OMAP2420 SPI Driver Copyright 2007, Atheros Communications Inc. All rights reserved. OMAP SDIO-Raw driver implementing Atheros 2nd generation SPI protocol. General Notes: - Operates with SDIO stack using the RAW Host Controller Driver (HCD) model. - Atheros SPI 2 Protocol. - Uses OMAP DMA controller for all DMA read/write operations that are properly aligned. - Atheros Module Interrupt detection (GPIO16 pin). Linux Notes: Module Parameters: "base_clock" = the base clock rate (in Hz) of the module system clock, default is 12Mhz. "op_clock" = the clock rate of the SPI interface, default is to run the SPI bus clock at 12 Mhz "powerupdelay" = power up delay (in MS) before Atheros module is initialized (default is 1000 milliseconds. "MaxBytesPerDMARequest" = max number of bytes allowed in a DMA transfer, default is 4K. "gpiodebug" = special GPIO pin assertion, do not use unless GPIO pins are properly assigned for debug. "debuglevel" = set module debug level (default = 4). "spimodule" = sets which spi module block in the OMAP controller, use only 1. Defaults to 1 "spichan" = sets which channel in the spi module block to use, defaults to 2 "d0swap" = swap spi module D0 functionality with D1, default: D0 is RX and D1 is TX. If set to 1, D0 becomes TX, D1 becomes RX. "int_gpio" = gpio pin used for SPI interrupts, default is 98. "int_gpio_pad_conf_offset" = gpio pad configuration offset (see TRM) for SPI interrupt default is 272 (0x110) for pad N19. "int_gpio_pad_conf_byte" = gpio pad configuration byte number for SPI interrupt default is offset 0 for GPIO98 on pad N19. "int_gpio_pad_mode_value" = gpio pin mode value. Default is 3, for configurating pad N19 as GPIO98 "reset_spi_on_shutdown" = reset Atheros module spi interface on shutdown "dump_state" = dump Atheros module spi state Module Debug Level: Description of Kernel Prints (each level is cummalative): 8 SPI module interrupts 9 SPI request processing 10 SPI request with DATA 11 SPI request DATA dumps 12 OMAP-SPI DMA info 13 OMAP-SPI transactions (very verbose).